Atacama virtual: English

Mining history of the Atacama Region, Chile

The ruins of the Labrar Smelter (2)

Museo Virtual, Chile

W. Griem, 2006 - 2021

Ruins of the Labrar smelter in the Atacama Region, Chile

Photo: Chimneys of Labrar. (Photo W. Griem; 2006; Kodak-10575)
 Large photo

Photo Information: Kodak DX6490 Camera (100_0575)
Focal length: 8.5mm (=71/35mm) | Time: 1:180
F: f/4.5 | Original size: 2304 x 1728 | Date: 2006/10/07/17:45 hrs.

Ruins of the Labrar smelter in the Atacama Region, Chile

Photo: Landscape of the Labrar sector (Atacama Region; Chile) with the former foundry after a heavy rainfall. (Photo W. Griem; 2011; Ca50D-9183)
Large Photo

Información Foto: Cámara Canon 50D: [IMG_9183.jpg]
Lente: 17-70mm | Longitud focal: 57mm (90,9/35mm) | Tiempo: 1:100 | ISO100
F: f/5.6 | Tamaño original: 4752 x 3168 | Fecha: 2011/08/14/13:14 hrs.

Minas de Cobalto - Region de Atacama Loma Suelta - Region de Atacama Sauce Perez - Region de Atacama Quebradita - Region de Atacama Cementerio Quebradita - Region de Atacama Caleta de Cobre - Region de Atacama Carta del sector Labrar

Chimneys from Labrar: p.1 | p.2

español / deutsch / english

The geographical location of the historic copper smelting works is quite astonishing: not directly on the coast, but also not in the immediate vicinity of the mines. It should be remembered that in 1830 the ship was the only means of transport that could transport large quantities. The transport route overland was arduous, expensive and unsafe, and the more powerful railway did not arrive at Atacama until 1851. Important in this period was the short distance between the mine and the melt, because more than 80% of the exploited material was useless.
But the transport of imported fuel, in this case coal, was also very expensive, and so the location between the mine and the port was probably the most favourable.

Location: Labrar, Atacama region
Comuna Freirina, Provincia Huasco
Height 635m
Location (UTM): E281.000 / N68.20.163
beeline to Freirina: 29,5 km
Street-kilometre to Freirina: 45,6 km

 Ficha de Labrar - 50 centavos
50 cent chip Labrar
(Colección Miguel Díaz)

The "chimneys de Labrar" complex is a national monument. The extraction and alteration of any species in the sector is not allowed!

Literature / Book Collection:
• Yunge, G. (1905): Estadística Minera de Chile 1903. - Sociedad Nacional de Minería  Vol.3; Imprenta y Litografía "Universo".
• Yunge, G. (1909): Estadística Minera de Chile 1906 - 1907. - Sociedad Nacional de Minería  Vol.3; Imprenta y Litografía "Universo".
• Yunge, G. (1910): Estadística Minera de Chile 1908 - 1909. - Sociedad Nacional de Minería  Vol.4; Imprenta y Litografía "Universo".
Translation: Pre-Translated with www.

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Mining history of Atacama, Chile
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Published: 19.9.2005, updated: 19.9.2017, 23.12.2017, 06.03.2021
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