Atacama desert

Infinite Mountains in the Atacama Desert

The La Ola plain, Maricunga, from La Ola hill

Viewpoint Atacama

W. Griem, 2005 - 2021

Cerro La Ola y Maricunga en Atacama - Chile

Photo: Panoramic view from Cerro La Ola towards Llano La Ola or Llano los Arroyos. Below is the intersection of the roads to Maricunga and Acerillos. (Atacama region; Chile). It was not so easy to reach the summit of this hill over 4000 meters high - but thanks to a mysterious road and a few hours of attempts it turned out. The photo, a survivor of the 1990s. Taken in analogous form (slides) - saved some 20 years and now digitized. (all the dust can never be removed).
(DiaCoOla01-1990; W. Griem 2006)

Location: The Cerro La Ola is located near Pedernales - la Ola.
Town nearby: El Salvador (70 km), Diego de Almagro (122 km).
Petrolstation: El Salvador (70 km), Diego de Almagro (122 km).
The place: In the 90's it was possible to drive up to the top of Cerro La Ola - here you could enjoy a wonderful view of the Andes.
UTM: E491.332 / N70.60.690 - Height: 4219 m. (picture).
More Salar de Pedernales

Information Photo:
Ricoh Camera KR-10x | Focal length: s/i | Time: s/i
Original size: 35mm | Date: 1990

Map of the area


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Published: 18.11.2017, Updated: 18.11.2017, 27.02.2021
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