Atacama desert

The Andes Mountains of the Atacama Region

La Semilla, in the Andes of Copiapo

Viewpoint Atacama

W. Griem, 2005 - 2021

La Semilla in the Atacama desert, Chile

Photo: La Semilla - view to the north, towards Junta de Potro, Iglesia Colorada.
The hills in the background reach 3880 meters, it is Mount Ramadilla and Co. Estancia (Kodak13.380; W. Griem 2007)

Location: At the end of Copiapó valley - road from Copiapó - Los Loros - Junta de Potros.
Next town: Copiapó (135 km) Los Loros (75 km), Lautaro (60 km)
Petrol: Copiapó (135 km), Tierra Amarilla (115 km)
Road condition: Asphalted to Junta de Potros, from there salted, all vehicles, better SUV.
Worth seeing: Landscape, Copiapo Valley.
UTM: E427.855 / N68.71.461 - Height: 2610 m.

Information Photo: Kodak Camera DX6490
Focal length: 15,6mm (=94/35mm) | Time: 1:250
F: f/8 | Original size: 2304 x 1728 | Date: 2007/02/24/16:14 hrs.

Karte vom Bereich La Semilla


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Published: 18.11.2017, Updated: 18.11.2017, 27.02.2021
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