Atacama virtual: English

Abandoned villages in the Atacama Desert, Chile

Ruins of Puquios (2)

Museo Virtual, Chile

W. Griem, 2006 - 2021

Ruinas de Puquios de Atacama, Chile

Photo: Ruins of Puquios in the Paipote Quebrada (W. Griem, 2009; CaXSi2121) - Large Photo

Puquios - un pueblo abandonado en Atacama, Chile

Photo: Ruins of Puquios in the Paipote Quebrada. (W. Griem 2009; CaXSi-2122) Large Photo

Photo Information:
Camera Canon XSi | Lens: 17-70mm(pol) | Focal Length: 17mm | Time: 1:80 | ISO100
F: f/7.1 | Original size: 4272 x 2848 | Date: 2009/07/09/12:54hrs.

Puquios: p. 1 - p. 2 - p. 3 - p. 4  - RailroadSofía Mine

deutsch / español / english

Currently, the international road [camino internacional] is in good condition (paved with salt) and joins Copiapó with the Salar de Maricunga and Argentina.

Also, there is an exciting road from Puquios to Carrera Pinto - Inca de Oro [here] (in 2010 passable) that represents the old main road to Inca de Oro (Cuba). [this road]

The dynamics of the mud streams during heavy rainfalls, unfortunately, destroyed much of the abandoned town. The sporadic torrential rains of the last decades eroded a large part of the town.

from Puquios to . . . km
Copiapó 57,5
Salar de Maricunga 110,0
Laguna Santa Rosa 89,5
Bencina (Paipote) 49,8
La Baritina 10,2
Empalme La Puerta 17,5

Description of the station of Puquios by Santiago Muñoz (1894) - The observations refer to the year 1883:

The station of Puquios is the end of the Copiapo railway that advances to the east: it is comfortable and spacious, and contains good warehouses and corrals for merchandise, carts and animals.
To one of the sides of the station, to the north, and forming a street with it is the Puquios village, four blocks long and with small and insignificant buildings.
But still, even though everything is quite limited here, there is a restaurant, a hotel and a company with carriages, which goes to Tres Puntas every Monday and Friday when the trains arrive from Copiapó.
The mineral processing of Puquios is the best in the region, at present (1883) minerals from the Buena Esperanza Mine of Chimberro and Tres Puntas are processed here.

Ruins of the abandoned Puquios Village in the Atacama desert, Chile
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Published: 13.1.2018, updated: 13.1.2018, 30.01.2021
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