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Geoquímica – Andes / Chile

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W.Griem, 2007 - 2021

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Geoquímica – Andes / Chile

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Geoquímica – Andes / Chile

CAMPANO,P., GUERRA, N. & OYARZUN, J. (1976): Contenido de Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, y Co en rocas extrusivas, intrusivas y sedimentarias del Norte de Chile.   1. Congr. Geol. Chileno Bd. 2 p.F43-F57

CAMPANO, P. & GUERRA, N. (1979):  Contribución al estudio geoquímico de rocas volcanicas del norte de Chile comprendidas entre las latitudes 22º ´ y 26º30`.-   Segundo Congreso Geológico Chileno (Arica) / 6-11. 08. 1979 Tomo 2 J109 - J126 3 Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas. 

CLARK, MAYER, MORTIMER, SILLITOE, LOOKE & SNELLING, (1967): Implications of the isotopic ages of ignimbrite flows, Southern Atacama  Desert, Chile.   Nature 21 p.723-724  London.
Atacama, Chile   ignimbrita, geocronología
 [Volúmenes de Nature]

DAMM, K.W., PICHOWIAK, S. & ZEIL, W. (1981): The Plutonism in the North Chilean Coast-Range and its Geodynamic Significance.   Geol. Rundschau Bd. 70 H.3 p.1054-76  Stuttgart.
Andes, Chile-norte, Cordillera de la Costa, Taltal Regional rocas intrusivas, tectónica, petrografía, geoquímica
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

DAMM, PICHOWIAK & TODT, (1986): Geochemie, Petrologie und Geochronologie der Plutonite und des metamorphen Grundgebirges in Nordchile.   Berl. geowiss. Abh. Bd.66 A p.73-146  Berlin
Chile-norte  geoquímica, Petrologie, geocronología,rocas intrusivas, basamento

DERUELLE, B. (1982): Petrology of the Plio-Quarternary volcanism of the south central and meridional Andes.   Journal of Volcanological and Geothermal Research, Bd. 14 p.77-124 14 Abb., 6 Tab. Elsevier Scient. Publ. Comp., Ámsterdam.
 [Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Res. - index]

DOSTAL,J., ZENTILLI,M., CAELLES,J.C. & CLARK,A.H. 1977, Geochemistry and Origin of Volcanic Rocks of the Andes 28 S.   Contrib. Mineral. Petr. Bd. 63 p.113-128  Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
[Contributions to Mineralogy y Petrology - index]

EL-HINNAWI,E.E., PICHLER,H. & ZEIL, W. (1969): Trace Element distributions in Chilean ignimbrites. Contr. Min. Petrol. Bd. 24 p.50-62  Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
[Contributions to Mineralogy y Petrology - index]

EWART, A. (1982): The mineralogy and petrology of Tertiary-Recent orogenetic volcanic rocks: with special andes.-basaltic Orog  In: THORPE Andesites. John Wiley & Sons Chichester  p.25-95 .
Andes, general  mineralogía, petrografía,  andesita, rocas volcánicas, orogénesis cenozoico, terciario, cuaternaria, reciente

FARRAR,E.,CLARK,A.,HAYNES,QUIRT,CONN,ZENTILLI,M. (1970):  K-Ar evidence for the post Paleozoic migrations of granitic intrusion foci in the Andes of Northern Chile.-   Earth and Planet. Sci. Letters Vol. 9 p.17-28  Amsterdam.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

FRANCIS, P.W. & HAWKESWORTH, C.J. (1994): Late Cenozoic rates of magmatic activity in the Central Andes and their relationships to continental crust formation and thickening.-   Journal of the Geol. Soc., London Vol.151 p.845-854 4 Abb., 2 Tab. London.
[Journal of Geological Society of London - índex]

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GARDEWEG, M. & RAMIREZ, C. 0: Volcanismo Cenozoico superior del Altiplano Chileno   Servicio Nacional de Geol. y Mineria Chile    Santiago de Chile. 
Chile, Andes, Antofagasta, Arica regional vulcanismo, volcán, geoquímica,isótopos, edades absolutas, calderas cenozoicoan, terciario, cuaternaria    

GONZALES - FERRAN, O., BAKER, P.E. & REX, D.C. (1985): Tectonic - volcanic discontinuity at latitude 27° south Andean Range, associated with Nazca Plate subduction.   Tectonophysics Bd. 112 p.423-441  Amsterdam.
[Tectonophysics - índex]

GRIEM, W. (1994): Strukturgeologisch-petrographische und geochemische Untersuchungen an Ganggesteinen und deren magmatischen Äquivalenten im Andensegment bei 27º suedlicher Breite (Region Atacama, Nordchile).   Muenstersche Forschungen zur Geol. und Pal. Heft 75 139 p. 64 Abb., 4 Phototaf. Muenster. 

GRIEM, W. & THIEDIG, F. 1992, Petrographisch-Geochemische Untersuchungen an Ganggesteinen der suedlichen Zentralanden 27º S.Breite/Chile.-  13. Geow. Lateinamerika Kolloquium, Tagungsband. Geologisch-Palaeont.ologisches Institut und Museum, Muenster    Muenster .
Andes, Chile, Atacama, Inca de Oro, Potrerillos  petrografía, geoquímica, dique, clasificación

HALPERN, M. (1978): Geological significance of Rb/Sr isotopic data of northern Chile crystalline rocks of the Andean orogen between latitudes 23-27° S.   Geol. Soc Am. Bull. Bd. 89 p.522-532 7 Abb., 2 Tab. Boulder.
Chile-norte, Andes, atacama, Antofagasta Regional Isotope, Rb/Sr, geocronología, Regional
[GSA Bulletin - índex]

HARMON, R.S. & BARREIRO, B.A. (1984):  Andean magmatism chemical and isotopic constraints.    1984 p.250 p.  Nantwich (Shiua).

Peter Hollings, David Cooke, and Alan Clark (2005): Regional Geochemistry of Tertiary Igneous Rocks in Central Chile: Implications for the Geodynamic Environment of Giant Porphyry Copper and Epithermal Gold Mineralization. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, Volume 100 August 2005 Number 5; pp. 887-904
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

KAY, S.M. (1991):  Miocene 'Flat-slab' volcanic rocks as Guides to lithospheric processes  in the central Andes.-   Congreso Geologico Chileno 1991 p.579-583  Santiago.
Atacama, Chile-norte deriva continental rocas volcánicas, geoquímica, deriva continental

KAY, S.M., MPODOZIS,C., RAMOS,U.A. & MUNIZAGA, F. 0,: Magma source variations for Mid-Tertiary magmatic rock associated with  a shallowing subduction zone and a thickening crust in the Central Andes (28-33 S).- ---IN PRESS Geological Society of America, Spec Paper

KAY, S.M. & MPODOZIS, C. (2000):  Chemical signatures from magmas at the southern termination of the central Andean Volcanic Zone: The Incapillo/Bonete and surrounding regions.-   IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 1 626-629 3 Sociedad Geológica de Chile .
Chile, Atacama, Cordillera principal regional regional, geoquímica, magmática, vulcanitas

KLERKX,J., DEUTSCH,S., PICHLER,H. & ZEIL (1977): Strontium isotopic composition and trace element data bearing on the origin of Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the central and southern Andes.-   J. Volcanol. Geotherm Res. Bd. 2 p.49-71
[Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Res. - index]

LEVI, B.,  NYSTROM, J.O., THIELE, R. & ABERG, G. (1988):  Geochemical trends in Mesozoic-Tertiary volcanic rocks from the Andes in central Chile, and tectonic implications.   Journal of South America Earth Sciences, Vol.1, p.63-74 10 Abb. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - índex]

LOPEZ, L. 1982, Charactaristicas geoquimicas de rocas igneas asocidas con porfidos cupriferos chilenos.   Revista Geologica de Chile. Bd. 17 p. 3-19 . Santiago . Andes, Chile  geoquímica, magmáticas, cobre, Cu, Cu, Porphyry copper

LOPEZ-ESCORBAR, L. (1984): Petrology and Chemistry of Volcanic Rocks of the Southern Andes.  In: Magmatism: Chemical and Isotopic Constraints. Ed.:HARMON, R.S. & BARREIRO, B.A. Shiva Publ.  p.47-71 8 Abb. Chesire, England.
Andes, Chile  petrografía, geoquímica, rocas volcánicas, deriva continental Nd, Sr Isotope, Segment cuaternaria, plioceno

LOPEZ-ESCORBAR, L., FREY,F.A. & VERGARA, M. (1976):  Andesites from central-south Chile: Trace element abundances and petrogenesis.  In:GONZALES-FERRAN(ed.)Symp. on Andean and Antar.volcan.probl Napoli Inter. Assoc. of vol.and Chem. of the Earth inter. Spec. Series  p.725-761  Santiago, Chile 1974 .

LOPEZ-ESCORBAR, L., KILIAN, R., KEMPTON,P.D. & TAGIRI, M. (1993): Petrography and geochemistry of Quaternary rocks from the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes between 41°30' and 46° S, Chile.  - Rev. Geologica de Chile Vol.20/1 p33-56 16 Abb.,3 Taf. Santiago de Chile.
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]

LOPEZ-ESCORBAR, L., PARADA, M.A., MORENO,H.,FREY,F. & HICKEY-VARGAS,R. (1992):  A contribution to the petrogenesis of Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes, Southern Andes (41°00'-41°30'S): comperative study.   Revista Geologica de Chile Vol.19/2 p.211-226 7 Abb.,1 Taf. Santiago de Chile.
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]

MAHLBURG KAY,S.,MAKSAEV,V.,MOSCOSO,R.,MPODOZIS,C.,NASI,C.&GORDILLO,C. (1988): Tertiary Andean magmatism in Chile and Argentinia between 28°S and 33°S: Correlations of magnetic chemestry with a changing Benioffzone.   Journ. of South.Americ. Earth Sci. Vol1/No.1 p.21-38 7 Abb., 4 Tab. Oxford.
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - índex]

McNUTT,R.,CROCKET,J.,CLARK,A.,CAELLES,J.,FARRAR,HAYNES,S.&ZENTILLI,M. (1975):  Initial Sr87/Sr 86 Ratios of Plutonic and Volcanic rocks of the central Andes between latitudes 26 - 29 South.   Earth Planetary Science Letter Bd. 27 p.303-313 3 Abb, 1 Tab. Elsevier, Ámsterdam.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

MPODOZIS, C., ALLMENDINGER, R. & JORDAN, T. (1991):  La zona del nevado de Jotabeche y Laguna del Nego Francisco: Evolucion tectonica y volcanica de la extremidad meridional del Altiplano chileno.-   Congreso Geologico Chileno 1991 p.91-95  Santiago.

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NYSTRÖM, J., PARADA, M. & VERGARA, M. (1993):  Sr-Nd Isotope compositions of the cretaceous to miocene volcanic rocks in central Chile: A Trend towards a MORB signature and a reversal with time.-  Second ISAG (Oxford)  9 21-23

PALACIOS, C & LOPEZ-ESCOBAR, L, (1979):  Geoquimica y petrologia de andesitas cuaternarias de los Andes centra les (18° 57'-19° 28'S)   Actas II Congr. Geol. Chileno Bd. 3 p.E73-E88

PALACIOS, C.M. & OYARZUN, R.M. (1975):  Relationship between depth of Benioff Zone and K und Sr concentrations in volcanic rocks of Chile.   Geology  p.595-596  Boulder.
[Geology - index]

PICHLER, H. & ZEIL, W. (1972):  Chilean "Andesits" - crustal or mantle derivation?  Int. Upper Mantle Proj. Conf. Conf. Sol. Earth Probl. Bd. 2 p.361-371  Buenos Aires.
Chile, Andes  Mantel, Kruste,  andesita

PICHLER, H. & ZEIL, W. (1969):  Andesites of the Chilean Andes.-   Bull. Oregon. Dept. Geol. Miner. Industr. Bd. 65 p.165-174 
Chile, Andes   andesita, rocas volcánicas, petrografía

PICHOWIAK, S. (1988):  Mesozoic Magmatism en Chile - Geochemical evidence.-  11. Lateinamerika-kolloquium, Hannover, 1988   108  
chile, costa , NORTE regional geoquímica, regional, Sr, magma

ROGERS, G. (1985):  A Geochemical Traverse Across the North Chilean Andes.   Unpubl. Thesis, Open University, Milton Keynes  333 p.  
Chile-norte, Andes  geoquímica

ROGERS, G. & HAWKESWORTH, CHR. J. 1989, A geochemical traverse across the North Chilian Andes: evidence for crust generation from mantle wedge.   Earth and Planetary Science Letters No. 91 p.271-285 7 Abb., 2 Tab. Elsevier Science Publ., Amsterdam.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

SCHMITT-RIEGRAF, C. & PICHLER, H. (1988):  Cenozoic Ignimbrites of the Central Andes: A New Genetic Model.  In: The Southern Central Andes  Bahlburg, Breitkreuz, Giese (Eds.).- Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences Bd.17 p.183-193  Berlin, Heidelberg, Paris, Tokyo(Springer) .

SCHMITT-RIEGRAF, C. & PICHLER, H. (1992):  Magma genesis and evolution of Cenozoic volcacic rocks of the Central Andes: New evidence by geothermometry, REE analyses and isotope geochimestry.-   Zbl. Geol. Paleont. Teil 1 H. 6 1679-1692 4 Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart.

SIEGERS, A., PICHLER, H. & ZEIL, W., (1969):  Trace element abundances in the "Andesite"-formation of Northern Chile.-   Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta Bd. 33 p.882-887.  Chile-norte, Andes   andesita, rocas volcánicas, geoquímica, Spurenelemente Andesit-formación

O. Sigmarsson, J. Chmeleff, J. Morris and L. Lopez-Escobar (2002): Origin of 226Ra–230Th disequilibria in arc lavas from southern Chile and implications for magma transfer time  . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 196, Issue 3-4, Pages 189-196
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

THORPE,R.S & FRANCIS,P.W.,HAMMILL, M. & BAKER,M.C. (1982):  The Andes   in: Andesites ( TORPE, R.S. (ed.)), J. Wiley & Sons  p.187-205  New York Andes   andesita, petrografía

THORPE, R.S. & FRANCIS, P.W. (1979):  Variations in Andean andesite composition and their petrogenetic significance.   Tectonophysics Bd. 57 p.53-70  Amsterdam
[Tectonophysics - índex]

THORPE, R.S. & POTTS, P.J. & FRANCIS, P.W. (1976):  Rare Earth data and petrogenesis of andesite from the north Chilenan Andes.   Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. Bd. 54 p.65-78  Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
[Contributions to Mineralogy y Petrology - index]

THORPE, R.S., FRANCIS,P.W. & MOORBATH, S. (1984):  Relative roles of source composition, fractional crystallization and crustal contamination in the petrogenesis of Andean volcanic rocks.   Philosoph. Transactions of the Royal Soc of London A310 p.439-456  London.
Andes, Chile  geoquímica, rocas volcánicas, Fraktionierte Kristallisation

Thorpe, R.S. and Francis, P.W. (1979): Petrogenetic relationships of volcanic and intrusive rocks of the Andes. In: Origin of granitic batholithes. Geochemical evidence (Edited by Atherton, M.P. and Tarney, J.) Shiva Publications (Kent, U.K.) 65-75.

Wörner, G., Moorbath, S., y Harmon, R.S., (1991): Along-strike geochemical variations in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ) of N Chile (17-22°S) (abs.): EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 72, No. 44, p. 520.

ZENTILLI & DOSTAL (1977): Uranium in volcanic rocks from the central Andes.   Journ. of volcanol. and geotherm research 36587 p.251-258  Amsterdam.

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