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Plate Tectonics: segmentation  

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Citas en geología y geociencias: Plate Tectonics: segmentation  

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Plate Tectonics: segmentation  

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Deriva Continental Nazca – Segmentación Plate Tectonics: segmentation  

CARR, M.J., STOIBER, R.E. & DRAKE C.L. (1974): The segmented nature of some continental margins:  In BURK, C.A. & DRAKE C.L. (eds.): The geology of Continental margins.   p.105-114 9 Fig. Springer Verlag, New York.

R. Charrier, O. Baeza, S. Elgueta, J. J. Flynn, P. Gans, S. M. Kay, N. Muñoz, A. R. Wyss and E. Zurita (2002): Evidence for Cenozoic extensional basin development and tectonic inversion south of the flat-slab segment, southern Central Andes, Chile (33°–36°S.L.)  . -Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 15, Issue 1.Pages 117-139 

CORVALAN, J. (1979):  Rasgos Geológico-Estructurales y Metalogenéticos relacionados con la segmentación de los Andes.-   Segundo Congreso Geológico Chileno (Arica) / 6-11. 08. 1979 Tomo 2 45-75 8 Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas.

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L. B. Giambiagi and V. A. Ramos (2002) Structural evolution of the Andes in a transitional zone between flat and normal subduction (33°30'–33°45'S), Argentina and Chile. -Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 15, Issue 1.  Pages 101-116 

Olga Gomez and Anne Briais (2000): Near-axis seamount distribution and its relationship with the segmentation of the East Pacific Rise and northern Pacific–Antarctic Ridge, 17°N–56°S  . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 175, Issue 3-4,  Pages 233-246 

M. -A. Gutscher, J. Malavieille, S. Lallemand and J. -Y. Collot (1999) Tectonic segmentation of the North Andean margin: impact of the Carnegie Ridge collision  . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 168, Issue 3-4,  Pages 255-270

ISACKS, JORDAN, ALLMENDINGER & RAMOS, (1982):  La segmentación tectonica de los Andes Centrales y su relcion cun la geometrica de la plaza de Nazca subductada. Quinto concreso latinoamericano de geologica Bd.3 p.587-606  Buenos Aires.

JORDAN, T., ISACKS,B., ALLMENDINGER,R., BREWER,J., RAMOS & ANDO, C. (1983): Andean tectonics related to geometry of subduced Nazca plate.   Geol. Study of American Bulletin Bd. 94 p.341-361 11 Abb.

JORDAN, T.E., ISACKS, B.L., RAMOS, V.A. & ALLMENDINGER, R.W. (1983):  Mountain building in the Central Andes.   Episodes 1983 (2) p.20-26 10 Abb. Ottawa. Andes centrales, Chile, Atacama, 3.Region, 2.Region  orogénesis, deriva continental, segmentación, angulo de  subducción

JORDAN, T. RAMOS, V.A. ALLMENDINGER & ISACKS, B. (1984): Andean tectonics related to geometry of subduced Nazca plat, Discusion and reply.-   Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. Bd. 95 (7) p.877-880  Boulder.

Kay, S.M., Maksaev, V., Moscoso, R., Mpodozis, C, Nasi, C, y Gordillo, C.E. (1988):  Tertiary Andean magmatism in Chile and Argentina between 28° and 33°S: correlation of magmatic chemistry with a changing Benioff zone: Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 1, p. 21-38

KAY, S.M. (1991):  Miocene 'Flat-slab' volcanic rocks as Guides to lithospheric processes  in the central Andes.-   Congreso Geologico Chileno 1991 p.579-583  Santiago. Atacama, Chile-norte deriva continental rocas volcánicas, geoquímica, deriva continental

KELLEHER, J. & McCANN, W. (1976):  Buoyant Zones, Great Earthquakes, and Unstable Boundaries of Subduction.   Journal of Geophysical Research Vol.81/26 p4885-4896 9 Abb. Pazifik, Nazca, general  deriva continental, segmentación, terremoto ,subducción angulo

MAHLBURG KAY,S.,MAKSAEV,V.,MOSCOSO,R.,MPODOZIS,C.,NASI,C.&GORDILLO,C. (1988): Tertiary Andean magmatism in Chile and Argentinia between 28°S and 33°S: Correlations of magnetic chemestry with a changing Benioffzone.   Journ. of South.Americ. Earth Sci. Vol1/No.1 p.21-38 7 Abb., 4 Tab. Oxford .

Suzanne Mahlburg Kay and Constantino Mpodozis (2002): Magmatism as a probe to the Neogene shallowing of the Nazca plate beneath the modern Chilean flat-slab. -Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 15, Issue 1. Pages 39-57

Mc GEARY,S., NUR,A. & BEN-AVRAHAM, Z. (1985):  Spatial Gaps in arc volcanism: The effect of Collision or Subduction o oceanic Plateaus.   Tectonophysics Bd. 119 p.195-211  Amsterdam.

MEGARD, F. & PHILLIP, H. (1976):  Plio-Quaternary tectono-magmatic zonation and plate tectonics in the central Andes.-   Earth Planetary Science Letters Vol. 33 p.231-238  Amsterdam.

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NOBLE,D.C. & Mc KEE, E.H. (1977):  Comment on Spatial distribution of earthquakes and subduction of the Nazca plate beneath South America.-   Geology Vol. 5 p.576-578  Boulder .

NUR, A & BEN-AVRAHAM, Z. (1981):  Volcanic gaps and the consumption of aseismic ridges in South America.  In: KULM & DIAMOND & DASH et al. Nazca Plate: Crustal Formation ... Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. Bd.154 p.729-740  Boulder.

NUR, A. & AVRAHAM, Z.B. (1982): Oceanic Plateaus, the fragmention of continents, and mountain building   J. Geoph. Res. Bd. 87 p.3644-61. general  deriva continental, Ozeanplatte, Plateaus, Kontinentalplatte

Victor A. Ramos, E. O. Cristallini and Daniel J. Pérez (2002): The Pampean flat-slab of the Central Andes. -Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 15, Issue 1. Pages 59-78

Sillitoe, R.H. (1974): Tectonic segmentation of the Andes: implications for magmatism and metallogeny.- Nature, vol. 250, p. 542-545.

SILLITOE, R.H. (1976):  Andean mineralization: A model for metalogeny of convergent plate margins.  In: STRONG (ed.) Metallogeny and Plate Tectonics. Geol. Assoc. Canada, Spec. Pap. Bd.14 p.59-100 8 Abb., 1 Tab.

SWIFT, S.A. & CARR, M.J. (1975):  The segmented Nature of the Chilean seismic zone.-   Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Vol. 9 p.183-191   Chile, Nazca, Andes  geofísica, deriva continental, segmentación

VOGT, LOWRIE, BRACEY & HEY (1976):  Subduction of aseismic ocean ridges: effects on shape, seismicity and others characteries of consuming plate boundaries.   Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Papers Bd. 172 p.59 pp.  general  deriva continental, subducción, ridges, Plattengrenze

VOGT, P.R. (1973):  Subduction and aseismic ridges.   Nature Bd. 241 p.189-191  London . general  subducción, deriva continental, Ridges

WALKER, J., MOULDS, T., ZENTILLI, M. & FEIGENSON, M. (1991):  Spatial and temporal variations in volcanics of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone (26°-28° S) In: Harmon R.S. & rapela C.W. (eds.) Andean Magmatism and its tectonic Setting.   Geol. Soc. Spec. Paper Bd. 265 p.139-156.

WÖRNER,G.,LOPEZ-ESCORBAR,L.,MOORBARTH,S.,HORN, S.,ENTENMANN,J et al. (1992):  Variaciones Geoquimicas, Locales y Regionales, en el Frente Volcanico Cuaternario de los Andes Centrales (17°30'-22°'S),Norte de Chile.   Revista Geologia de Chile Vol. 19/1 p.37-56 11 Abb., 1 Tab. Santiago de Chile.

WORTEL, M.J.R. (1984): Spatial an temporal variations in the Andean subduction zone.   Journ. of Geol. Soc. London Bd.141 p.783-791  London

YAÑEZ, G. & CEMBRANO, J. (2000):  Tectonic models for ridge collision at a continental plate boundary: The case of Juan Fernandez Ridge and Chile Rise, Preliminary Results.-   IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 2 649-654 3 Sociedad geológica de Chile .

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