Atacama virtual: English

Mining in the Atacama Region, Chile: Altamira District

The Colmo mine (Teresa de Colmo)

Museo Virtual, Chile

W. Griem, 2006 - 2021

Pit frame de la mina Colmo in the north of the Atacama Region - near Altamira

Photo: W. Griem (2007): Pit frame de la mina Colmo in the north of the Atacama Region - near Altamira. (Kodak4610, large Photo)

Information Photo: Camera Kodak DX6490
Longitud focal: 19,4mm (=117/35mm) | Time: 1:350
F: f/8 | Original dimensions: 2304 x 1728 | Date: 2007/08/11/14:09 hrs.

Colmo mine near Altamira - Atacama Desert, Chile.

Photo: Colmo Mine near Altamira - Atacama Desert, Chile.  (Photo W. Griem, 2007; Kodak4589, large Photo)

Information Photo: Camera Kodak DX6490
Longitud focal: 6,3mm (=38/35mm) | Time: 1:350F: f/8 | Original Dimensions: 2304 x 1728 | date: 2007/08/11/13:56 hrs.

Mina Colmo

español / deutsch / english

The Colmo mine, located at the northern end of the Atacama Region, still shows its pit frame in the year 2007. The Colmo or Teresa de Colmo mine was part of the Carrizalillo - Altamira district.

Pique de la mina Colmo en Atacama, Chile

Name: (Teresa de) Colmo
E394.363 / N71.31.513: High: 1198m

Mapa ubicacioón mina Colmo en Atacama, Chile

Historical text:
Sundt: (1911)
The surface of the land is covered with earthy caliche with pebbles of decomposed green porphyry and compact black porphyry in parts. Wherever samples were taken, a conglomerate of green clayey porphyry appears, partly blocked by caliche and sometimes by the iron grit that stretches is "copper". Sometimes this iron oxide occurs in the form of veins, and has resulted in rich and abundant exploitation. as in this Colmo mine, assuring Torres, that the metals give 20 to 30 marks of silver per drawer. In some cases, a defined vein with its two metallic bodies is seen in both boxes, but the center filled with porphyry conglomerate with calichose cement.
Sundt & San Roman (1911); p. 13


Sundt, Lorenzo & San Ramón, Francisco (1911): Estudios Jeológicos y Topograficos del Desierto i Puna de Atacama. Vol II (1911): Sociedad Nacional de Minería Vol II. - 405 páginas; Santiago de Chile.

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