Atacama desert

Salt Flats and Lagoons in the Atacama Desert, Chile

Pedernales salt flat and Doña Ines

Viewpoint Atacama

W. Griem, 2005 - 2021

Pedernales salt flat and Doña Ines, Atacama desert, Chile

Photo: Salar de Pedernales (around 3350 meters high) - panoramic view from the west bank. In the background you can see Doña Inés Hill (height 5075 meters) in about 30 kilometers distance. (CaXSi639; W. Griem 2010)

Location: The Pedernales salt lake is located east of El Salvador or Diego de Alamagro.
Next town: El Salvador (60 km), Diego de Almagro (103 km)
Petrol: El Salvador (60 km), Diego de Almagro (103 km)
The place: One of the most charming landscapes, the almost dimensionless salt lake and the volcanoes on the other bank. Road: The main road is salted and in good condition, the shore road around the Salar is gravelled, and quite narrow - besides, almost without traffic, if you want to drive further than to the Boraxmine you should drive with 2 vehicles. In any case 4X4 (SUV, Jeep or Pickup).
UTM: E475.089 / N70.89.264 - Height: 3405 m. (picture).
more information about Salar de Pedernales sector

Information Photo: Canon Camera XSi
Lens: 50mm + pol. | Focal length: 50mm (81,2/35mm) | Time: 1:200 | ISO100
F: f/7.1 | Original size: 4272 x 2848 | Date: 2010/03/06/13:46hrs.

Map of the area Pedernales atAtacama desert, Chile


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Published: 18.11.2017, Updated: 18.11.2017, 27.02.2021
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