Atacama virtual: English

The Copiapó River Valley, Atacama Region (Chile)

Los Loros (1)

Museo Virtual, Chile

W. Griem, 2006 - 2021

Main street in the village of Los Loros - Atacama Region, Chile

Photo: Main street in the village of Los Loros - Atacama Region, Chile. (W. Griem 2003; CanonPowershot1500): Foto en grande

Main street in the village of Los Loros - Atacama Region, Chile.

Photo: Main street in the village of Los Loros - Atacama Region, Chile.
Foto W. Griem (2003; CanonPowershot1502) Foto grande

Photo Information: Camera Canon Powershot-A100 (114-1502_IMG)
Focal length: 5,41mm (=44mm/35mm) | Time: 1:250
F: f/2.8 | Original size: 1280 x 960 | Date: 2003/11/07/17:03 hrs.

Los Loros: p. 1 | p. 2

español / deutsch / english

Los Loros (means "the parrots") has about 1800 inhabitants and belongs to the commune Tierra Amarilla (Atacama region). It is located in the interior of the Copiapó Valley, 62 kilometers away from the capital of the Atacama Region, Copiapó.


Informative table:
Location: Los Loros, Region of Atacama
Comuna Tierra Amarilla, Province of Copiap
UTM: E390.775 / N69.21.021
Altitude: 956 m
Distance to Copiapó: 62,3 km (road)

Tierra Amarilla, Region de Atacama, Chile San Antonio, Region de Atacama, Chile Tranque Lautaro, Region de Atacama, Chile Nantoco, Region de Atacama, Chile C, Region de Atrro Blanco, Atacama, Chile Copiapo, Region de Atacama, Chile Mapa ubicación de Los Loros en Atacama, Chile

According to Espinoza (1895) "Loros", as Los Loros used to be called, had 534 inhabitants this year. Los Loros in the beginning was the center of Mineras Lomas Bayas and Cerro Blanco. But with the increase in production at both mines, the roads to Los Loros were no longer in use. Cerro Blanco was connected by Yerbas Buenas / Carrizal Bajo and Lomas Bayas by the Quebrada Carrizalillo. To this day, the steep flanks of the Copiapó valley mark a morphological obstacle.
The Los Loros sector kept the agriculture and some small mining plants. Many historical publications highlight the high fertility of the sector. It is also mentioned that the railroad had an extremely agricultural use.
The historic role of the Copiapó Valley as a main road from and to Argentina must also be highlighted, there is a significant amount of traffic and towns such as Los Loros were places to rest or spend the night.

Plano de Los Loros en la Region de Atacama, Chile


Literature / Book Collection:
ESPINOZA, ENRIQUE (1903): Jeografía Descriptiva de la República de Chile - Arreglada.- Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades; quinta edición; Santiago de Chile. (Colection W. Griem)

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