Citas en geología y geociencias: Petrografía,
Magmagénesis en general
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Petrografía: Magma génesis en general
A - F
Petrografía, Magma
génesis en generalARMSTRONG, R.L. (1971): Isotopic and Chemical Constraints on Models
of Magma Geneses, in Volcanic Arcs.- Earth and Planetary
Science Letters Bd.12 p. 137- 142 North-Holland Publ. Comp.
general geoquímica geoquímica, magmáticas, isótoposquimica,
Magma, arco volcánico [
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]
AUGUSTITHIS, S.S. (1962): Non-eutectic, graphic, micrographic-like
"myrmekitic" structures and textures.- Beitr. Min. Petr.
Bd.8 p.491-498 .
general petrografía, mineralogía, Myrmekite,
Graphische Verwachsungen BAILEY, J.C. (1981): Geochemical criteria for a refined tectonic
discrimination of orogenic Andesits. Chem. Geol. Bd.
32 p.139-154 10 Abb., 2 Tab. Elsevier, Ámsterdam.
geoquímica geoquímica, andesitas, tectónica, orogénesis
Geology - index]BAKER, P.E. 1982, Evolution and classification of orogenic volcanic
rocks: In Thorpe, R.(Ed.) 1982: Andesites: Orogenetic
andesites and related rocks John Wiley & Sons, Chichester
p.11-23 Chichester.
general rocas volcánicas, petrografía,
andesita BALDWIN, J.A. & PEARCE, J.A. (1982): Discrimination of the Productive
and Nonproductive Porphyritic Intrusion in the Chilean Andes.- Econ.
Geol. 77:664-674.
Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
BARD, J.P. (1986) Microtextures of igneous and metamorphic rocks.-
264p. D. Reidel Publ.Comp. Dordrecht, Boston.
general tectónica, microtextura, microestructura,
magmáticas, metamorfismo BARTHO-KYRIAKIDIS (Ed.), A. (1989): Magma - Crust Interactions and
Evolution Theophrastus Publications S.A., Athen.
Magma, vulcanismo, volcán, rocas intrusitas
Best, M. C. (1982): Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. - Freeman,
San Francisco. BOWEN, N.L. (1956): The evolution of the igneous
rocks.- Dover Publ. New York.
general petrografía, mineralogía, magmatísmo
BROWN, G.C. (1982) Calc-alkaline inlrusive rocks: their diversity
evolution and relation to volcanism: In THORPE, R.S. (ed.). Andesites:
Orogenic andesites and related rocks. John Wiley and Sons, New-York,
pp 437-46J.
BRIQUEU, L. & LANCELOT, J.R. (1979): Rb-Sr-systematics and crustal
contamination models for calc-alkaline igneous rocks.- Earth Planet.
Sei. Lett. 43:385-396 Carmichael, I. S. E., Turner,
F. J. & Verhoogen, J. (1974): Igneous Petrology. - McGraw-Hill,
New York.
CAS, R.A.F. & WRIGHT, J.V. (1987): Volcanic Successions- Modern
and Ancient.- 528 p. Allen & Unwin,
general ignimbrita, Vulkano clástica, rocas volcánicas
CHAYES, F.A. (1956): Petrographic modal analysis.-
113 p. Wiley and Sons, New York. general, Lehrbuch petrografía
COX, K.G., BELL, J.D. & PANKHURST, R.J. 1979, The interpretation
of igneous rocks.- Allen and Unwin 450 pp.
general petrografía, geoquímica, magmáticas, general
DAMM, K.W. & PICHOWIAK, S. (1981): Geodynamic and Magmengenese in
der Kuestenkordillere Nordchiles zwischeTaltal und Chaneral.
Geotekt. Forsch. Heft 61 p.II+166 Berlin.
Chile-norte, Taltal, Chañaral Regional tectónica, Magmengénesis,
magmatísmo, geoquímica, valores, tablas, diques
A classification of volcanic and plutonic rocks using R1-R2-Diagramm
and major-element analyses - Its relationships with current nomenclature.-
Chem. Geol. 29: p.183-210.
De Vore, G. W. (1955): The Role of Adsorption in the Fractionation
and Distribution of Elements. -J. Geol., 63, 159-190.
EL BOUSEILY, A. M. & EL SOKKARY, A. A. (1975): The relation between
Rb, Ba, and Sr in Granitic Rock. Chem. Geol. Bd. 16
p.207-219 .
general geoquímica, Ba, Rb, Sr granito
EMMERMANN, R., DAIEVA,L & SCHNEIDER, J. (1975): Petrologic Significance
of Rare Earth Distribution in Granites.- Contr. Mineral.Petrol.
Bd.52 p.267-283
Heidelberg. general petrografía, geoquímica,
tierras raras REE, granito FEELEY, T.C. & HACKER, M.D. (1997): Intracrustal derivation
of Na-Rich Andesitic and Dacitic Magmas: An Example from Volcán
Ollagüe, Andean Central Volcanic zone.- The Journal
of Geology vol. 103 213-225 7 University of Chicago .
Chile, Norte, Antofagasta, Ollagüe regional regional, magmáticos,
volcanicos, Andesitas, Dacitas
of Geology - índex]FISHER, R. (1966): Rocks Composed of volcanic fragments and their
classification. Earth Science Reviews No.1 p.287-298
2 Abb., 2 Tab. Elsevier Publ.Comp., Ámsterdam.
general, clasificación, Volcanoclástica
Earth Science
Reviews - index]
FLOYD, P.A. & WINCHESTER, J.A. (1975): Magma type and tectonic setting
discrimination using immobile elements Earth Planet
Science Letters, Bd. 27 p.211-8 Amsterdam.
general geoquímica, Immobile, clasificación, tectónica
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]
isotope evidence for crustal contamination of calc-alkine rocks
from Cerro Galan, NW. Argentinia. Earth and Planetary
Science Letters Bd. 48 p.257-267 Amsterdam.
Argentinien, Cerro Galan Kruste, Sr, Kalkalkali
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]FRANCIS, E.H. (1984): Magma and Sediment; II. Problems of interpreting
paleovolcanics buried in the stratigraphic column. Journ.
of Geol. Soc. London Bd. 140 p.165-183 London. magmatísmo,
sedimentos Gill, J.B., (1981): Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics:
Berlin, Springer Verlag, 387 p.
of Geological Society of London - índex]
Hacia arriba
G - M
HAGGERTY, S.E. (1976): Opaque mineral oxides in terrestrial igneous
rocks. Min. Soc. Rev. in Min. 3:Hg 101-Hg 300
HANSON, G.N. (1978): The application of trace elements to
the petrogenesis of igneous rocks of granitic composition.-
Earth planetary Sci. Letters Bd. 38 p.26-43 Amsterdam.
geoquímica, magmatísmo, granito
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]
HILDRETH, W., and Moorbath, S. 1988, Crustal contributions to arc
magmatism in the Andes of central Chile: Contributions to Mineralogy
and Petrology, v. 98, p. 455– 48
(MASH zone)
HUGHES, C.J. (1982): Igneous Petrology. Elsevier,
p.551 p. Amsterdam, Oxford, New York.
general petrografía,
geoquímica, magmáticas JAKES, P. & GILL, J. (1970): Rare Earth Elements and the island
arc tholeiitic series.- Earth Planetary Sci. Letters
Bd. 9 p.17-28 6 Abb., 3 Tab. Ámsterdam.
general Geoquímica geoquímica,tierras raras REE, arco magmático
, magmatísmo, Spider
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]JAMES, D.E. & MURCIA, L.A. (1984): Crustal Contamination in northern
Andean volcanics.- J. geol. Soc. London Vol. 141 p.823-830
6 Abb., 1 Taf.
Andes, América de sur. geoquímica, subducción, deriva continental,
of Geological Society of London - índex]KLEIN, C. & HURLBUT (JR), C. (DANA) Manual de Mineralogía
(cuarta edición).- I, II 368
general mineralogía mineralogía, petrología, petrogarfía, rocas,
minerales KOMAR, P.D. (1976): Phenocryst interactions and velocity profile
of magma flowing through dykes or sills.- Bull. Geol.
Soc. Am. Bd. 87 p.1336-42 Boulder.
general dique, Sills,
petrografía, magmatísmo Diques [
Bulletin - índex]
KOMAR, P.D. (1972): Flow differentiation in igneous dikes and sills:
Profiles of velocity and phenocryst concentration.-
Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. Bd. 83 p.3443-48 Boulder
general dique, Differentiation, petrografía
Bulletin - índex]
KOMAR, P.D. (1972): Mechanical interactions of phenocrysts
and flow differentation of Igneous dikes and sills.-
Bull. geol. Soc Amer. Bd. 83 p.973-988 8 Abb. Boulder.
general diques dique, petrografía, Mechanik, génesis
Bulletin - índex]
Le Maitre, R. W. (Hrsg.) (1989): A Classification of Igneous Rocks
and Glossary of Terms. - Recommendations of the International Union
of Geological Sciences, Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous
rocks. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 193 S.
Rocas.- 287p. Blume
general mineralogía mineralogía, petrografía, rocas
MOHR, P.A. (1987): Crustal contamination in mafic sheets: A summary.
In: Mafic dyke swarms (HALLS, H.C & FAHRIG, W.F eds.).- Geological
Association of Canada, Special Paper Bd. 34 p.75-80
Ontario. dique, génesis, geoquímica, contaminación MIYASHIRO, A. (1978): Nature of alcalic volcanic rock series.-
Contribution of Mineral Petrol. Bd. 66 p. 91-104 Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York.
general petrografía, geoquímica, magmáticas,
rocas volcánicas general MIYASHIRO, A. (1974): Volcanic rock series in Island arc and active
continental margins. Am. J. Sci. Bd.274 p.321-335
general magmáticas,rocas volcánicas,geoquímica, Inselbogen,
margen continental
Journal of Science - índex]MUELLER, P. (1982): Von der CIPW-Norm ausgehende Berechnungen
von Mineralbestaenden magmatischer Gesteine in Analogie zu der Modalzusammensetzung
plutonischer und vulkanischer Gesteine. Geol. Jb. Bd. D.55
p.3-41 Hannover.
Hacia arriba
NOCKOLDS, S.R. (1966): The behavior of some elements during
fractional crystallisation of magma.-Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta Bd.33
general magmáticas, geoquímica, Fraktionierung,
Kristallisation PEARCE, J.A. & PARKINSON, I.J. & PEATE, D.W. (1994): Geochemical
evidence for magma generation above subduction zones.-
Mineralogial Magazin; Goldschmidt conference 58 A (L-Z) 701-102
Minerogical Soc. (London).
general geoquímica geoquímica, deriva continental, magma
PEARCE, J.A., HARRIS, N.B.W. & TINDLE, A.G. (1984): Trace
Element Discrimination Diagrams for the Tectonic Interpretation
of Granitic Rocks.- Journal Petrol. Bd. 25 p.956-983
general geoquímica, Discrimination Diagrams, tectónica,
granito [
of Petrology - index] [
Article ok/21]
PITCHER, W.S. (1978) The anatomy of a batholith.- J. Geol. Soc.
London. 135:157-182
of Geological Society of London - índex]
PRIDE, C. & MUECKE, G.K. (1982): Geochemistry and origin of granitic
rocks, Scourian Complex, NW Scotland.- Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.,
80: 379-385
Ronov, A. B. (1964): Common Tendencies in the Chemical Evolution
of the Earth's Crust, Ocean and Atmosphere. - Geochem. Int., 1,
SCHMITT-RIEGRAF, C. & PICHLER, H. (1992): Magma genesis and
evolution of Cenozoic volcacic rocks of the Central Andes: New evidence
by geothermometry, REE analyses and isotope geochimestry.-
Zbl. Geol. Paleont. Teil 1 H. 6 1679-1692 4 Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
Andes, Bolivia, Chile Geoquímica Geoquímica, volcanitas, geotermometría,
REE, isótopos cenocoico, terciaria, cuaternario
STRECKEISEN, A. (1976): To each plutonic Rock its proper name.-
Earth Science Rev. Bd. 12 p.1-33 Amsterdam, London, New York
general petrografía, clasificación
véase diagrama de Streckeisen
Earth Science
Reviews - index] [
Article ok/21]
SZAKACS, A. (1994): Redefining active volcanoes: A discussion.-
Bull. Volcanol. 56 321-325 2 fig. Springer-Verlag.
general volcanología Volcanes, eruptiv, extrusivos, activos
TAUSON, L.V. (1965): Factores in the Distribution of the Trace
Elements During the Crystallisation of Magmas.- Physics
and Geochem. of the Earth Bd.6 p.216-249 Pergamon Press, Oxford,
Paris, Frankfurt .
general geoquímica geoquímica, Magma, Kristallisation
TAYLOR, S.R. (1965): The Application of Trace Element Data
to Problems in Petrology.- Physics and Geochem. of the
Earth Bd.6 p.135-213 Pergamon Press, Oxfort, Paris, Frankfurt
general geoquímica, general, libro general, Elementverhalten
TAYLOR, S.R., CAPP, A.C. & GRAHAM, A.L. (1969): Trace Element
Abundances in Andesites.- Contr. Mineral. and Petrol.
Bd.23 p.1-26 14 Abb., 2 Tab. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg
. general,
Japan, Fiji Geoquímica geoquímica, magmáticas, rocas volcánicas,
andesita, REE THORPE,R.S & FRANCIS,P.W.,HAMMILL, M. & BAKER,M.C. (1982):
The Andes in: Andesites (TORPE, R.S. (ed.)), J. Wiley
& Sons p.187-205 New York Andes
andesita, petrografía THORPE, R.S. & FRANCIS, P.W. (1979): Variations in Andean
andesite composition and their petrogenetic significance.
Tectonophysics Bd. 57 p.53-70 Amsterdam
andesita [
- índex]
THORPE, R.S., FRANCIS,P.W. & MOORBATH, S. (1984): Relative
roles of source composition, fractional crystallization and crustal
contamination in the petrogenesis of Andean volcanic rocks.
Philosoph. Transactions of the Royal Soc of London A310 p.439-456
Andes, Chile geoquímica, rocas volcánicas, Fraktionierte
Kristallisation TROEGER, W.E. (1969): Optische Bestimmung der gesteinsbildenden
Minerale. - Mit Beitraegen von H.U. Bambauer, O. Braitsch, F. Taborszky.-
2. Auflage, Hrsg. Bambauer, Taborszky & Trochim 822 p. 259
Abb.,16Tab. Stuttgart.
general petrografía, geoquímica, libro general, mineralogía,
Umwandungen, Mikroskop Barry L. Weaver (1991): Trace element evidence for the origin of
ocean-island basalts. -Geology, Volume 19, Number 2, pages
- index]
JAMES A. WHITNEY (1988): The origin of granite: The role and source
of water in the evolution of granitic magmas. - Geological Society
of America Bulletin; Volume 100, Number 12; pages
Bulletin - índex]
WILSON, M. (1989): Igneous Petrogenesis - A global tectonic
approach. - 466 p. Allan & Unwin,
general petrografía, geoquímica, mineralogía, libro
general WIMMENAUER, W. (1985): Petrographie der magmatischen und metamorphen
Gesteine Enke, Stuttgart.
general magmáticas!, metamorfismo!, libro general, clasificación
WINCHESTER, J.A. & FLOYD, P.A. (1977): Geochemical discrimination
of different magma series and their differentiation products using
immobile elements.- Chem. Geol. 20: p.325-343
Geology - index] [
Article ok/21]
WINKLER, H. (1947): Kristallgrösse und Abkuehlung.-
Heidelberger Beitr. Min. Petr. Bd. 1 p.86-104.
general petrografía, mineralogía, magmatísmo, tamaño de
cristales WOOD, D.A., JORON, J.L. & TREUIL.M. (1979): A re-appraisal
of the use of trace elements to classify and discriminate between
magma series erupted in different tectonic settings.- Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett. 45: p.326-336
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]
WYLLIE, W.J. (1981): Plate tectonics and magma genesis.
Geol. Rundschau Bd. 70 p.128-153 Stuttgart.
Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de
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