Citas en geología y geociencias: Geomorfología - general
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Geomorfología - general
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Geomorfología - general
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Thomas Bissig, Alan H. Clark, James K. W. Lee, and C. Jay
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A. Czirók, E. Somfai, T. Vicsek (1997): Fractal scaling and power-law landslide distribution in a micromodel
of geomorphological evolution. - Geologische Rundschau (International
Journal of Earth Sciences); Vol. 86; No. 3; pp. 525 - 530
Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de
J. Michael Daniels (2003): Floodplain aggradation and pedogenesis
in a semiarid environment . - Geomorphology; Volume 56, Issues
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Nicholas Eyles, Emmanuelle Arnaud, Adrian E. Scheidegger and Carolyn
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Gwenaëlle Félix and Nathalie Thomas (2004): Relation between dry
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Joseph A. Mason, Edward A. Nater, C. William Zanner and James C.
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PINTER, N. & KELLER, E.A. (1995): Geomorphological analysis
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