Citas en geología y geociencias:
A - F │
G - M │
N - Z
Ambiente Magmático : Ambiente Especiales : Diques
A - F
Módulo de citas : Ambiente Magmático
: Ambiente Especiales : DiquesANDERSON, E.M. (1951): The dynamics of faulting and dike formation.-
2nd. edition, Oliver & Boyd p.206 London.
dique, tectónica ANDERSON, E.M. (1936): The dynamics of formation of cone sheets,
ring dykes,and cauldron subsidences.- Proc. R. Soc.
Edinburg Bd. 56 p.128-157 Edinburg
general Ringgang,
Cone sheets, génesis BAER, G. & BEYTH, M. (1990): A Mechanism of dyke segmentation in
fractured host rock.- In PARKER, A .J., RICKWOOD & TUCKER,
D. H., (Eds.) Mafic Dykes and Emplacement Mechanisms.-
p.3-12 Balkema, Rótterdam.
general dique,diaclasas, Fracturamiento
BAER, G. & RECHES Z. (1987): Flow patterns of magma in dikes, Maktesh
Ramon, Israel.- Geology Bd. 15 p.569-572
dique, Magma, textura fluidal
- index]Don R. Baker (1998): Granitic melt viscosity and dike formation
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of Structural Geology, Volume 20, Issues 9-10 Elsevier; Pages
of Structural Geology - índex]
BALMACEDA, A.N. (1990): Relaciones estructurales entre los emplazamient.
pegamatiticos-Apliticos y los lineamentos de la sierra de San Luis,
S.Luis, Argentinia Décimo primer Congr. Geol. Argentino
II p.379-382.
Argentinien, Andes, San Luis diques dique, aplitas, Pegmatite,
tectónica Paul D. Bons , Elena Druguet , Ilka Hamann , Jordi Carreras and
Cees W. Passchier (2004): Apparent boudinage in dykes . -Journal
of Structural Geology, Volume 26, Issues 4, Elsevier;
Pages 625-636
of Structural Geology - índex]
Coleman, Drew S., Carl, Brian S., Glazner, Allen F., Bartley, John
M. Cretaceous dikes within the Jurassic Independence dike swarm
in eastern California Geological Society of America Bulletin
2000 112: 504-511
CONDIE, K.C., BARSKY, C.K. & MUELLER, P.A. (1969): Geochemistry
of Precambrian diabase dikes from Wyoming.- Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta Bd. 33 p.267-278.
Wyoming, USA geoquímica,
dique Precambian CONDIE, K.C., BOBROW, D.J. & CARD, K.D. (1987): Geochemistry of
Precambrian mafic dykes from the Southern Superior Province of the
Canadian Shield. In: Mafic dyke swarms (HALLS, H.C &
FAHRIG eds.).- Geological Association of Canada; Special Paper Bd.
34 p. 95-108. Ontario
dique, génesis, petrografía, geoquimica,
Fraktionierung Jean M. Crespi and Chan Yu-Chang (1996): Vein reactivation and complex
vein intersection geometries in the Taconic Slate Belt . -Journal
of Structural Geology, Volume 18, Issues 7 Elsevier; Pages 933-939
of Structural Geology - índex]
CURRIE, K.L. & FERGUSON, J. (1970): The mechanism of intrusion of
lamprophyre dikes indicated by 'offsetting' of dikes.-
Tectonophysics Bd. 9 p.525-535 3 Abb. Ámsterdam.
general diques dique,lamprophyre,offsetting, génesis
- índex]
DAWES, RALPH L., EVANS, BERNARD W. Mineralogy and geothermobarometry
of magmatic epidote-bearing dikes, Front Range, Colorado Geological
Society of America Bulletin 1991 103: 1017-1031
Delaney, Paul T., Gartner, Anne E. (1997): Physical processes of
shallow mafic dike emplacement near the San Rafael Swell, Utah Geological
Society of America Bulletin 1997 109: 1177-1192
DELANEY, P.T. (1987): Heat transfer during emplacement and cooling
of mafic Dykes.- In: Mafic dyke swarms (HALLS, H.C & FAHRIG,
W.F eds.).- Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper Bd.
34 p.31-46 Ontario .
dique, génesis, emplazamiento, enfriamiento
DELANEY, P.T., POLLARD, D.D., ZIONY, J.I. & McKEE, E.H. (1986):
Field relations between dikes and joints: emplacement processes
and paleostress analysis.- Journal of Geophysical Research
Bd. 91 p.4920 ff
general dique ,diaclasa, tectónica general
of Geophysical Research]
DePAOLO, D.J. (1981): Trace element and isotopic effects of combined
wallrock assimilation and fractional crystallization.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Bd. 53 p.189-202 Amsterdam.
general dique, Wallrock, isótopos [
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]
J. Dostal and J. V. Owen (1998): Cretaceous alkaline lamprophyres from northeastern Czech Republic:
geochemistry and petrogenesis. - Geologische Rundschau
(International Journal of Earth Sciences); Vol. 87; No. 1;
pp. 67 - 77
Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de
DRURY, S.A. 1972, The Chemistry of some granitic veins from the
Lewisian of Coll and Tiree Agylshire, Scottland. Chem.
Geology Bd. 9 p.175-193
Schottland, Europa, England diques geoquímica, dique, granito,
Mobilisation, Pegmatite
Chemical Geology: [Chemical
Geology - índex]Steven H. Emerman and Randall Marrett (1990): Why dikes?. - Geology,
Volume 18, Number 3 , pages 231–233.
- index]
Hacia arriba
G - M
GIBSON, I.L, SINHA, M.N. & FAHRIG, W.F. (1987): The geochemistry
of the Mackenzie dyke swarm, Canada. In: Mafic dyke swarms
(HALLS, H.C & FAHRIG eds.).- Geological Association of Canada Bd.
34 p.109-122
Ontario dique, génesis, petrografía,
geoquímica, dique perfil V. A. V. Girardi, M. Mazzucchelli, M. Molesini, L. Civetta, R. Petrini,
J. Bossi, N. Campal, W. Teixeira and C. T. Correia (1996): Petrology
and geochemistry of the mafic dyke swarm of the Treinta Y Tres region,
Northeast Uruguay . -Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume
9, Issue 3-4, Pages 243-249
Uruguay diques diques, geoquímica, Petrología
of South American Earth Sciences - índex]GRIEM, W. (1994): Strukturgeologisch-petrographische und geochemische
Untersuchungen an Ganggesteinen und deren magmatischen Äquivalenten
im Andensegment bei 27º suedlicher Breite (Region Atacama, Nordchile).
Muenstersche Forschungen zur Geol. und Pal. Heft 75 139 p. 64 Abb.,
4 Phototaf. Muenster.
Chile, Andes, Atacama, Inca de Oro, Potrerillos, Qda. Larga,
C.Bravo regional tectónica, geoquímica, petrografía, dique, magmáticas
GRIEM, W. & THIEDIG, F. 1992, Petrographisch-Geochemische Untersuchungen
an Ganggesteinen der suedlichen Zentralanden 27º S.Breite/Chile.-
13. Geow. Lateinamerika Kolloquium, Tagungsband. Geologisch-Palaeont.ologisches
Institut und Museum, Muenster Muenster .
Chile, Atacama, Inca de Oro, Potrerillos petrografía, geoquímica, dique, clasificación
GRIEM, W., SYLVESTER, H. & THIEDIG, F. 1992, Ganggefolge von mesozoisch-kaenozoischen
Intrusionen als Indikatoren tektonischer Bewegungen in den suedlichen
Zentralanden 27 S.Breite/Chile,- 13. Geow. Lateinamerika
Kolloquium, Tagungsband. Geologisch-Palaeont.ologisches Institut
und Museum, Muenster
Chile, Atacama, Andes, Inca de Oro, Potrerillos, dique,
tectónica GRIEM, W. (2001): Petrografía y Geoquímica de Diques en el
Sector Inca de Oro – Potrerillos, Región Atacama. - Revista
de la Facultad de la Ingeniería No 14, pág. 7-12; Copiapó.
A. (1983): Form and dimension of dykes in eastern Iceland.-
Tectonophysics Bd. 95 p.295-307
Island dique,
dimensiones, formas[
- índex]
HALLS, H.C. & FAHRIG, W.F. (Eds.) 1988, Mafic Dyke Swarms.
Geol. Assoziation of Canada Publ. Dep. of Earth Sci. 503p.
Memorial Univers. of Newfoundland general dique, petrografía,
geoquímica, petrografía
Simon Hanmer, Flemming Mengel, James Connelly, Jeroen Van Gool (1997):
Significance of crustal-scale shear zones and synkinematic mafic
dykes in the Nagssugtoqidian orogen, SW Greenland: a re-examination
. -Journal
of Structural Geology, Volume 19, Issues 1 Elsevier; Pages 59-75
of Structural Geology - índex]
HEIDRICK, T.L. & TITLEY, S.R , 1982, Fracture and Dyke patterns
in Laramide plutons and their structural an tectonic implications.
In: Advances in geol.of the porph. copper depos. The
University of Arizona Press p.73-91 Tuscon.
general dique, Porphyry Copper, depósitos minerales,
rocas intrusitas HOEK, J.D. 1991, A classification of dyke-fracture geometry with
examples from Precambrian dyke swarms in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica.-
Geologische Rundschau Bd. 80/2 p.233-248 14 fig. Stuttgart.
Antarktis, Vestfold, general diques dique, clasificación, Bruch,
intersecciones, edades relativos precámbrico
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de
volúmenes]HOPKINS, H.R. (1956): A diabase dike near Afton (abstr.).-
Va. J. Sci. No. 7 p.328 EEUU. Dique
HOTTEN, R. (1993): Die mafischen Gaenge der Shackleton Range/Antarktika:
Petrographie, Geochemie, Isotopengeochemie und Palaeomagnetik.-
Berichte zur Polarforschung Bd. 118 225p. 72 Abb.,20Tab.3Anh. Bremerhaven.
Antarktis, Shackleton Range diques dique,geoquímica,petrografía,isótopos,rocas
volcánicas, isótopos HYNDMAN, D.W. & FOSTER, D.A. (1988): The role of tonalites and mafic
dikes in the generation of the Idaho batholith. Journal
of Geology Vol.96 p.31-46 Idaho Tonalite, magmáticas,
R. J. H. Jolly, J. W. Cosgrove and D. N. Dewhurst (1998): Thickness
and spatial distributions of clastic dykes, northwest Sacramento
Valley, California . -Journal
of Structural Geology, Volume 20, Issues 12 Elsevier; Pages
of Structural Geology - índex]
R. J. H. Jolly and D. J. Sanderson (1995): Variation in the form
and distribution of dykes in the Mull swarm, Scotland . -Journal
of Structural Geology, Volume 17, Issues 11 Elsevier; Pages
of Structural Geology - índex]
JUSTUS, P.S. (1966): Modal and textural zonation of diabase
dikes, Deep River Basin, North Carolina.- M. S.
Thesis University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
USA, North Carolina dique, Diabase S. A. Kattenhorn and M.
K. Watkeys (1995): Blunt-ended dyke segments . -Journal
of Structural Geology, Volume 17, Issues 11 Elsevier; Pages
of Structural Geology - índex]
KOLLER, F., GRATZER, R. & NIEDERMAYR, G. (1987): Die Ganggesteine
in den Dioriten des noerdlichen Waldviertels. Annalen
des Naturh. Museums in Wien p.1-21 36 Abb., 24 Tab. Wien .
Austría, Waldviertel dique, Diorite, petrografía KOMAR, P.D.
(1976): Phenocryst interactions and velocity profile of magma
flowing through dykes or sills.- Bull. Geol. Soc. Am.
Bd. 87 p.1336-42 Boulder.
general dique, Sills, petrografía,
magmatísmo Diques
Bulletin - índex]KOMAR, P.D. (1972): Flow differentiation in igneous dikes and sills:
Profiles of velocity and phenocryst concentration.-
Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. Bd. 83 p.3443-48 Boulder
dique, Differentiation, petrografía [GSA
Bulletin - índex]KOMAR, P.D. (1972): Mechanical interactions of phenocrysts
and flow differentation of Igneous dikes and sills.-
Bull. geol. Soc Amer. Bd. 83 p.973-988 8 Abb. Boulder.
general diques dique, petrografía, Mechanik, génesis
Bulletin - índex]
B. Lafrance and B. E. John (2001): Sheeting and dyking emplacement
of the Gunnison annular complex, SW Colorado . -Journal
of Structural Geology, Volume 23, Issues 6-7, Elsevier; Pages
of Structural Geology - índex]
LANIER, G., RAAB, W.J., FOLSOM, R.B. & CONE, S. (1978): Alteration
of Equigranular Monzonite, Bingham Mining District, Utah.
Economic Geology Vol. 73 p.1270-86 6 Abb. 7 Taf.
EEUU ,Utah depósitos Alteración, petrografía, geoquímica, dique
- perfill, valores
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
LISLE, RICHARD J. Paleostress analysis from sheared dike sets Geological
Society of America Bulletin 1989 101: 968-972
Bulletin - índex]Mónica G. López de Luchi and Augusto E. Rapalini (2002): Middle
Jurassic dyke swarms in the North Patagonian Massif: the Lonco Trapial
Formation in the Sierra de Mamil Choique, Río Negro province, Argentina,
Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 15, Issue 6. Pages
of South American Earth Sciences - índex]
Catherine Mériaux, John R. Lister, Vladimir Lyakhovsky and Amotz
Agnon (1999): Dyke propagation with distributed damage of the host
rock . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 165, Issue
2, Pages 177-185
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]
MOHR, P.A. (1987): Crustal contamination in mafic sheets: A summary.
In: Mafic dyke swarms (HALLS, H.C & FAHRIG, W.F eds.).- Geological
Association of Canada, Special Paper Bd. 34 p.75-80 Ontario.
dique, génesis,geoquímica,contaminación
Hacia arriba
PARKER, A.J., RICKWOOD, P.C. & TUCHER, D.H. (1990): Mafic
Dykes and Emplacement Mechanics. Balkema, Rótterdam
, dique, mafisch génesis, Emplacement PICHOWIAK, S. & BREITKREUZ, Ch. (1984): Volcanic dykes in
the north Chilean Coast Range. Geol. Rundsch., 73:853-868, Stuttgart
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de
volúmenes]V. Pinel and C. Jaupart (2004): Magma storage and horizontal dyke
injection beneath a volcanic edifice . - Earth and Planetary
Science Letters; Volume 221, Issue 1-4, Pages 245-262.
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]
Michael P. Poland , Jonathan H. Fink and Lisa Tauxe (2004): Patterns
of magma flow in segmented silicic dikes at Summer Coon volcano,
Colorado: AMS and thin section analysis . - Earth and Planetary
Science Letters; Volume 219, Issue 1-2, Pages
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]
POLLARD, D.D (1987): Element fracture mechanics applied to
the structural interpretations of Dykes. In: Mafic dyke swarms
(HALLS, H.C & FAHRIG, W.F eds.).- Geological Association of Canada,
Special Paper Bd. 34 45413 Ontario
dique, Bruch, Fracture, tektonik, génesis
H. M. Prichard, D. Hutchinson, and P. C. Fisher (2004): Petrology
and Crystallisation History of Multiphase Sulfide Droplets in a
Mafic Dike from Uruguay: Implications for the Origin of Cu-Ni-PGE-Sulfide
Deposits. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of
Economic Geologists Volume 99 March-April 2004, pp. 365-376
Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
T. Radhakrishna and M. Joseph (1998): Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Proterozoic dykes in Tamil
nadu, southern India: another example of the Archaean lithospheric
mantle source. - Geologische Rundschau (International Journal
of Earth Sciences); Vol. 87; No. 3; pp. 268 - 282
India, general
diques diques, geoquímica, petrogarfía, proterozoico
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de
volúmenes]Richards et al. (2002) The importance of diffusion, advection, and
host-rock lithology on vein formation: A stable isotope study from
the Paleozoic Ouachita orogenic belt, Arkansas and Oklahoma.
Ian J. Richards, Jeffrey B. Connelly, Robert T. Gregory and David
R. Gray, Geological Society of America Bulletin Volume 114, Number
11, November 2002 pages 1343–1355.
Bulletin - índex]
ROSS, M.E. & HEIMLICH, R.A. (1972): Petrology of Precambrian
Mafic Dikes from the Bald Mountain Area, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming.-
Geol. Soc. of America Bulletin Vol.83 p1117-1124 5 fig., 1 Tab.
Boulder, Colorado.
USA, Wyoming, Bighorn diques dique, petrografía,
geoquímica Precambrico[
Bulletin - índex]
and deformation microstructures of biotite from plagioclase-rich
dykes (Ronda Massif, S. Spain).- European Jouranal.
of Mineral. vol. 5 p. 245-256 10.
España diques diques, dykes, alteración, deformación, biotita
SCHLEICHER, H. (1976): Petrographie und Geochemie der Granitporphyre
des Schwarzwaldes.- Dissertation der Geow. Fak. der
A.L. Universitaet Freiburg i.Br. 1976 p. 165 Freiburg i. Br.
Europa, Alemania,Schwarzwald,
general diques dique, petrografía,geoquímica,rocas volcánicas,porphyre,magmáticas
paleozoico SINGH, K.N. (1987): The petrological variations and the governing
temperature of the lamprophyres in parts of Jharia Coalfield, District
Dhanbad Bihar.- Geol. Survey India p.p39-401 15
Abb., 2 Tab.
Lucknow, India Asien, Indien, Dhanbad Lamprophyre, dique,
petrografía, Temperatur SKARMETA, J.J (1991): Evolucion de cuencas de Trasarco en el norte
de Chile: Un Analisis basado en el Emplazamiento de diques y filones.-
Congreso Geologico Chileno 1991 p.649-653 Santiago.
Chile-norte, Atacama, Andes diques dique , tectónica
SKARMETA, J.M. (1986): Algunas consideraciones acerca del
diaclasamiento, en las rocas de caja, asociado a intrusion de diques:
ejemples del Norte de Chile.- Revista Geologica de Chile
Vol.28, 29 p.17-31 Santiago.
General, Chile - norte, Atacama diques dique, Regional, magmáticas,
fracturamientos, roca de caja
Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]SKARMETA, J. (1993): Mecanismos de emplazamiento, deformación
y transición de diques a filones manto en sedimentos jurásicos y
cretácicos del norte de chile.- Revista geológica de
Chile Vol. 20 207-227 10 fig., 2 tab.
Chile, norte diques diques, filones, mantos, emplazamiento
Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]SMITH, R.P. (1987): Dyke emplacement at Spanish Peaks, Colorado
In: Mafic dyke swarms (HALLS, H.C & FAHRIG, W.F eds.).- Geological
Association of Canada Bd. 34 p.47-44 Ontario .
Colorado, USA, Spanish
Peaks dique, génesis, emplazamiento, enfriamiento, Bruch,
tectónica, diques limites SNYDER, D., CRAMBES, CHR., TAIT, S. & WIEBE, R. (1997): Magma
mingling in Dikes and Sills.- The Journal of Geology
vol. 105 75-86 9 University of Chicago .
EEUU, Maine Diques
Diques, sills, magma mezcla[
of Geology - índex]
SPAETH, G. & SCHUELL, P. (1987): A Survey of Mesocoic Dolerite
Dikes from Western Neuschwabenland, Antarctica, and their geotectonic
Significance. Polarforschung Bd. 57 1/2 p.93-113
Antarktis, Neuschwabenland tectónica, dique
STEELE, K.F. & RAGLAND, P.C. (1976): Model for the Closed-System
Fractionation of a Dike Formed by Two Puls es of Dolerite Magma.-
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Bd. 57 p. 305-316 5 Abb.,
3 Tab. Springer Verlag.
USA, general diques dique, Dolerit, contaminación, petrografía,
geoquímica, valores, tablas Neil S. Summer and Avner Ayalon (1995): Dike intrusion into unconsolidated
sandstone and the development of quartzite contact zones .
of Structural Geology, Volume 17, Issues 7 Elsevier; Pages 997-1010
of Structural Geology - índex]
TALBOT, C.J. (1970): The Minimum Strain Ellipsoid Using Deformed
Quartz Veins.- Tectonophysics Vol.9 p.47-76 6 Abb.
general diques dique, microtectónica, tectónica,
veta de cuarzo [
- índex]
TARNEY, J. & WEAVER, B.L. (1987),: Geochemistry and petrogenesis
of early Proterozoic dyke swarms. In: Mafic dyke swarms (HALLS,
H.C & FAHRIG, W.F eds.).- Geological Association of Canada, Special
Paper Bd. 34 p.81-94 Ontario
dique, génesis, geoquímica,
petrografía, contaminación, Fraktionierung TORRES-ROLDAN, R.L., POLI, G. & PECCERILLO, A. (1986): An
Early Miocene arc-tholeiitic magmatic dike event from the Alboran
Sea-Evidence for precollisional subduction and back-arc crustal
extension in the westernmost Mediterranean. Geologische
Rundschau Bd. 75/1 p.219-234 Stuttgart
Europa, mar mediterraneo diques dique, deriva continental, subducción,
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de
volúmenes]TURCOTTE, D.L, EMERMAN, S.H. & SPENCE, D.A. (1987): Mechanics of
Dyke injektion.- In: Mafic dyke swarms (HALLS, H.C & FAHRIG,
W.F eds.).- Geological Association of C, Special Canada, Special
Paper Bd. 34 p.25-30 Ontario
general dique, Bruch, Fracture,
tektonik, génesis, emplazamiento WEIGLAND, P.W. & RAGLAND, P.C. (1970): Geochemistry of Mesozoic
dolerite dikes from eastern North America.- Contr. Mineral
Petrol. Bd. 29 p.195-214 Heidelberg . Nordamerika
dique, geoquímica mesozoico
to Mineralogy y Petrology - index]WIMMENAUER, W. (1973): Lamprophyre, Semilamprophyre und anchibasaltische
Ganggesteine. Fortschr. Miner. Bd. 51/1 p.3-67 12 Abb.,
19 Tab. Stuttgart.
general diques Semilamprophyre, diques petrografía,
clasificación, petrografía WINKLER, H. 1947, Zusammenhang zwischen Kristallgrösse und Salbandabstand
bei magmatischen Gangintrusionen.- Heidelbg. Beitr.
Miner.Petr. Bd. 1 p.251-268.
general petrografía, dique, Salbanda
magmáticas WOLF, H. (1942): Die Gesteine und Erzgaenge von Wittichen
im mittleren Schwarzwald.- Neues Jahrbuch Min. Bl. Bd.
77 A p.175-237
Schwarzwald, Alemania petrografía,
dique Leslie B. Yale and Scott J. Carpenter (1998): Large igneous provinces
and giant dike swarms: proxies for supercontinent cyclicity and
mantle convection . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters;
Volume 163, Issue 1-4, Pages 109-122 .
and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]
ZIMMERLE, W. (1952): Die Ganggefolgschaft des Malsburgsgranits
im suedlichen Schwarzwald.- C.R. Congr. geol intern.
sect.6, fasc.6 Algier .
Europa, Schwarzwald, Alemania magmáticas,
petrografía, dique, diques, granito
Hacia arriba
A - F │
G - M │
N - Z