Citas en geología y geociencias:
Depósitos vetiformes y vetas
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Citas: Depósitos vetiformes y vetas
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M. N. C. Araújo, F. C. Alves da Silva, E. F. Jardim de Sá and R.
J. Holcombe (2002) Geometry and structural control of gold vein
mineralizations in the Seridó Belt, northeastern Brazil, Journal
of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 15, Issue 3. Pages
of South American Earth Sciences - index]
BARTOS, P.J. (1987): Mineral zoning and timing of wall-rock alteration
relative to Cu-Pb-Zn Ag vein-fill deposition (QUIRUVILCA, PERU).-
Econ. Geol. (USA) Bd.82/6 p.1431 5 Tab. New Haven, Connecticut, Lancaster
Peru, Andes depósitos minerales, dique, Wallrock, Cu,Pb,Zn,Ag
Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Bichan, R. (1969): Origin of Chromite Seams in the Hartley Complex
of the Great Dyke, Rhodesia. – In Wilson, H. D. B. (Hrsg.), Magmatic
Ore Deposits, Econ. Geol. Monograph 4, 95-113.
Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
BOWEN, R. & GUNATILAKA, A. (1977): Copper it's Geology and Economics.-
Applied Science Publishers LTD, London 366 p. 78 Fig. London
(1977) general cobre, Cu, depósitos minerales, vetiformes,
Porphyry Copper
BRIMHALL, G.H., Jr. (1979): Lithologic determination of mass transfer
mechanisms of multiple stage porphyry copper mineralization at Butte
Montana: Vein formation by hypogene leaching and enrichment of potassium-silicate
protore. Economic Geology Vol.56 p.556-589 16 Abb.
Butte, Montana, USA vetas, Porphyry, Alteración, cobre,
Cu, geoquímica, depósitos minerales
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
A. (1991): Geologic, Structural, and Fluid Inclusions Studies of
El Bronce Epithermal Vein Systems, Petorca, Central Chile.
Economic Geology Vol. 86 p1317-1345 20 Abb., 4 Tab.
Andes,Chile-norte, El Bronce, 5.Region, Petorca yacimiento dique,
vetas , inclusiones fluidas, epitermal, geocronología, tectónica
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
CANDIOTTI, H., NOBLE, D. & McKEE, E. 1990, Geologic Setting and
Epithermal Silver Veins of the Arcata District, Southern Peru.
Economic Geology Vol. 85 p1473-1490
Peru, Andes, Arcata District vetas, geoquímica, depósitos
minerales, plata, Pb,Cu
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
CARSWELL, D.A., CURTIS, C.D. ,KANARIS-SOTIRIOU, R. 1968, Vein metasomatism
in peridotite at Kalskaret, near Tafjord. South Norway.
Contrib. Min. Petr. Bd.19 p.97-124
Noruega, Europa vetas, metasomatosis, peridotito
D. Craw and J. R. Campbell (2004): Tectonic and structural setting
for active mesothermal gold vein systems, Southern Alps, New Zealand
. -Journal
of Structural Geology, Volume 26, Issues 6-7, Elsevier;
Pages 995-1005
of Structural Geology - index]
DÍAZ, A., LLEDO, H., ESPEJO, C. & FONSECA, E. (2000): Presencia
de celentina en depósitos vetiformes paleogenos, de la precordillera
de Copiapó, III. Región, Chile.- IX Congreso Geológico
Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 1 198-200 1 Sociedad geológica de Chile.
Chile, Atacama, Carrizalillo, Lomas Bayas regional regional, minerales,
Celestina, baritina
FERGUSON,H.G. & GANNET, R.W. (1932): Gold-quartz veins of the Alleghany
district, California.- U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper
Bd. 172 p.139 p.
California, América vetas, depósitos minerales, oro, Au
Robert J. Fleck, Robert E. Criss, Gail F. Eaton, Rodney W. Cleland,
Craig S. Wavra, and William D. Bond (200): Age and Origin of Base
and Precious Metal Veins of the Coeur D’Alene Mining District, Idaho
. - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 97; 2002 Number 1 pp. 23-42
Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Fletcher, C. J. N. (1984): Strata-bound, Vein and Breccia-pipe Tungsten
Deposits of South Korea. - Trans. Instn Min. Metall. (Sect. B: Appl.
earth sci), 93, B176-B84.
Damien Gaboury and Réal Daigneault (2000): Flat vein formation in
a transitional crustal setting by self-induced fluid pressure equilibrium
— an example from the Géant Dormant gold mine, Canada*1 .
- Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 17, Issues 3; Pages 155-178
de Ore Geology Reviews]
Hacia arriba
G - M
HATTORI, K. & HITOSHI, S. (1979): D/H Ratios, Origins, and Evolution
of the Ore-Forming Fluids for the Neogene Veins and Kuroko Deposits
of Japan. Economic Geology Vol.74 p.535-555.
Asien, Japón, Kuroko dique, isótopos estables, isótoposgeoquimica,
D/H, Au, Ag
Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Simon J. Haynes (1993): Vein-type ore deposits: Introduction
. - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 8, Issues 3-4; Pages 205-211
de Ore Geology Reviews]
Trace Element Distribution and Ore Formation in Vein-Metasomatised
Peridotite at Kalkaret, Near Tafjord, South Norway.
Contrib. Min. Petrol. Bd. 67 p.289-295 2 Abb., 2Taf. Springer Verlag.
Europa, Norwegen geoquímica
Jacobsen, J. B. E. & McCarthy, T. S. (1976): The Copper-bearing
Breccia Pipes of the Messina District, South Africa. - Mineralium
Deposita, 11, 33-45.
Deposita - index]
Michel Jébrak (1997): Hydrothermal breccias in vein-type ore deposits:
A review of mechanisms, morphology and size distribution . - Ore
Geology Reviews ; Volume 12, Issues 3; Pages 111-134
de Ore Geology Reviews]
D. J. Kontak, K. Kyser, A. Gize, and D. Marshall (2006): Structurally
Controlled Vein Barite Mineralization in the Maritimes Basin of
Eastern Canada: Geologic Setting, Stable Isotopes, and Fluid Inclusions.
- Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists
Volume 101 (2006) Number 2; pp. 407-430
Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Joseph Le Conte (1883): On the genesis of metalliferous veins.
- American Journal of Science; vol. s3-26; Issue 151; July 1883; p.
Primer trabajo de actividades hidrotermales en formación
de depósitos metalíferos.[
Journal of Science - índex]
Multiple Stages of Mineralization at the Rozália Mine, Hodrusa.-
Epithermal Mineralization of the western Carpathians; Society of
Economic Geologists; Guidebook Series Vol. 31 229-273 Society
of Economic Geologists Tommy B. Thompson Carpathian, Slovakia.
Yacimiento depósito, yacimiento, veta, epitermal, Cobre, Cu,
Oro, Au, vetiforme, wallrock
LEXA, J. & BARTALSKÝ, B. (1999): Low-Sulfidation Gold Deposit
at Kremnica.- Epithermal Mineralization of the western
Carpathians; Society of Economic Geologists; Guidebook Series Vol.
31 265-274 Society of Economic Geologists Tommy B. Thompson
Carpathians, Kremnika, Slovakia Yacimiento.
Yacimiento, Depósito, Oro, Au, Ag, vetiforme, epithermal, falla,
tectónica, mineralización, low sulfidation 12 m.a.; terciario
LOVE, D.A. (1990) Structure Controls on veins of the Mount Skukum
Gold deposit, South western Yukon. Geol. Surv. Canada
Bd.90/1E p.337-342 12 Abb. Kingston.
Amerika, Yukon dique, tectónica, Control Tectónico , oro,
MIYAZAWA, T. (1967): Lowest Limit and Depth of Formation of
Hydrothermal Veins. In: POUBA & STEMPROK (Ed.): Problems of
Hydrothermal Ore Deposition. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
p.204-208 Stuttgart.
general diques vetas, dique, hidrotermal, Temperatura, génesis
Hacia arriba
Neuenschwander, Carlos & Tavera, Juan (1942): Yacimientos de Plomo
y Neocomiano de "Las Cañas" en el Departamento Vallenar. -
Anales del primer Congreso Panamericano de Ing. en Minas y Geología;
Geología II Parte - Tomo tercero; p. 1110 - 1125; Santiago de Chile.
Las Cañas, Vallenar; Brecha hidrotermal, vetas, control falla,
Carl Ochsenius (1884): V.—Metalliferous Deposits. -
Geological Magazine vol. 1 - 7; p. 310 - 318 Cambridge University Press.
Formación de Vetas, por vapor- aguas hidrotermales[
Geological Magazine - índex]
PASSCHIER, C.W. (1990): Reconstruction of deformation and
flow parameters from deformed vein sets.- Tectonophysics
Bd. 180 p.185-199 9 Abb., 1 Tab. Elsvier Science Publ., Amsterdam
. general tectónica tectónica , Deformación, génesis, Strain, vetas
, Mohr, dique
- index
Stephen G. Peters (1993): Formation of oreshoots in mesothermal
gold-quartz vein deposits: examples from Queensland, Australia .
- Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 8, Issues 3-4; Pages 277-301
de Ore Geology Reviews]
Stephen G. Peters (1993): Nomenclature, concepts and classification
of oreshoots in vein deposits . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 8,
Issues 1-2; Pages 3-22
de Ore Geology Reviews]
READ, J. & MEINERT, D. (1986): Gold-Bearing Quartz Vein Mineralization
at the Big Hurrah Mine, Seward Peninsula, Alaska Economic
Geology Vol. 81 p.1760-74 New Haven, Connecticut, Lancaster.
USA, Alaska, Seward Peninsula inclusiones fluidas dique, edades,
cronología , Ag, Au , inclusiones fluidas
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Michael W. Ressel, Donald C. Noble, Christopher D. Henry, and Wayne
S. Trudel (2000): Dike-Hosted Ores of the Beast Deposit and the
Importance of Eocene Magmatism in Gold Mineralization of the Carlin
Trend, Nevada . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 95; 2000 Number 7; pp.
Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
ROBERT, F. & BROWN, A.C. (1986): Archean gold-bearing quartz
veins at the Sigma mine, Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec, Part II:
Vein paragenesis and hydrothermal alteration. Economic
Geology Vol.81 p.595-616 Quebec,Kanada.
dique, hidrotermal, Alteración, geoquímica, petrografía
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
ROSE, A.W. & BURT, D.M. (1979): Hydrothermal Alteration. In:
BARNES, H.L. (ed.) Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits.
p.173-235 Wiley, New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto.
general Depósitos tipos de alteración, hidrotermal, vetas, geoquímica,
geoquímica, factores
Gangfoermige Barytvorkommen oestlich von Stolberg, Nordeifel.
In: Geochemie und Vererzung im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge Fortschr.
Geol. Rheinland und Westfalen Bd. 34 p.207-219 7 Abb., 2 Tab. Geologisches
Landesamt NRW, Krefeld.
Europa, Alemania, NRW, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Nordeifel
Oberflächen geoquímica, Boden, dique, Baryt, mercurio, Hg
SCHREIBER, D.W. (1989): Zur Genese von Goldquarzgaengen der
Pataz-Region im Rahmen der geologischen Entwicklung der Ostkordillere
Nordperus. Heidelberger Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen
Band 29 p.235 p. 54 Abb., 77 Tab. Heidelberg.
Andes, América de sur, Peru vetas, oro, vetas de cuarzo,
geoquímica, petrografía,rocas volcánicas, magmatísmo
Schwarze, Antonio (1942): Reglas locales para las vetas de Oro de
los distritos Mineros Abastecedores de las plantas "Domeyko" y "Carrizalillo"
de la caja de credito Minera. - Anales del primer Congreso Panamericano
de Ing. en Minas y Geología; Geología II Parte - Tomo tercero; p.
1110 - 1125; Santiago de Chile.
Vetas y su simetría - zonación; Ejemplos de Atacama
R. H. Sibson and J. Scott (1998): Stress/fault controls on the containment
and release of overpressured fluids: Examples from gold-quartz vein
systems in Juneau, Alaska; Victoria, Australia and Otago, New Zealand
. - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 13, Issues 1-5; Pages 293-306
de Ore Geology Reviews]
Kurt Stüwe (1998) Tectonic constraints on the timing relationships
of metamorphism, fluid production and gold-bearing quartz vein emplacement
. - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 13, Issues 1-5; Pages 219-228
de Ore Geology Reviews]
THOMPSON, T., TRIPPEL, A. & DWELLEY, P. (1985): Mineralizated
Veins and Breccias of the Cripple Creek District, Colorado. Economic Geology, Vol. 80 p.1669-88 New Haven Conneticut,
Lancaster USA, Colorado depósitos dique, oro, mena , hidrotermal,
Breccias, vetas Au
Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
The Hollinger McIntyre Au-Quartz vein system Timins, Ontario Canada:
Geologic charact., fluid properties and light stable Isotopes.
In: MC DONALD (Ed.), Proc. of Gold '86 an Inern. Symp. of the Geol.
of Gold. p.56-80. Toronto Kanada, Ontario dique,
hidrotermal,depósitos minerales,isótopos estables
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