Atacama virtual: English

Mining history of the Atacama Region, Chile

The ruins of Juan Godoy in Chañarcillo (1)

Museo Virtual, Chile

W. Griem, 2006 - 2021

View of Chañarcillo ruins, Atacama Region; Chile

Photo: View of Chañarcillo, Atacama Region; Chile (W. Griem, 2005; Foto Kodak6512) - Large Photo

Photo Information: Camera Kodak DX6490 (100_6512.jpg)
Focal Length: 55,9mm (=337/35mm) | Time: 1:180
F: f/7.1 | Original size: 2304 x 1728 | Date: 2005/08/15/15:24 hrs.

General view of the village of Juan Godoy in Chañarcillo

Photo: General view of the village of Juan Godoy in Chañarcillo. (W. Griem 2014 - Ca50D5427) - Large Photo

Photo Information: Camera Canon 50D
Lens: 18-135mm | Focal Length: 41mm (65,5/35mm) | Time: 1:400 | ISO100
F: f/10 | Original size: 4752 x 3168 | Date: 2014/08/02/14:05 hrs.

Chañarcillo: p.1 - p.2 - p. 3 - cemetery

deutsch / español / english


Chañarcillo, Juan Godoy
Chañarcillo with the village "Juan Godoi" (today: Juan Godoy) is probably the best known and also most mythical historic mining district of the Atacama Region.
The old mines of Chañarcillo with the abandoned town of Juan Godoy is located between Vallenar and Copiapó. From Copiapó you take the Panamericana to the south and in some 60 kms you turn east (Km 748 of the Panamericana). A salt road in good condition (13 km) reaches the ruins of Juan Godoy (Chañarcillo).

The ruins and remains of the village "Juan Godoy" show the impressive economic growth of the sector by the silver mines in Chañarcillo. The Chañarcillo mines are closed and there are no tourist routes in the sector. Do not enter the mines under any circumstances - it is very dangerous. The old shafts and galleries do not show any kind of security measures. Besides, it's a dead end maze.

You don't get any kind of "souvenir". It is a place of historical and cultural interest.
The ruins of the ancient village still show the original dimensions of the village.
You can recognize the streets and some building foundations

Dibujo del pueblo Chañarcillo

Informative Chart
Ruins of Juan Godoy (originally: Juan Godoi) of Chañarcillo
Location: 60 km south of Copiapo
UTM: 360.484 / 69.22.832 -
Altitude: 882 m
Population: Abandoned, ruins
Commune: Copiapó

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Mining history of Atacama, Chile
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