Atacama virtual: English
W. Griem, 2020
Paul Treutler
Text of Treutler
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This historical text by P. Treutler from his book "15 Jahre in Südamerika" probably wrote a little later, because there are some small errors and a lot of general matters. It must be taken into account that Caldera was recently formed in 1851/52 and surely the infrastructure was still lacking. Herman Burmeister (here) describes Caldera a few years later a little more positive.
De: RECLUS, E. (1895): Part of the picture of Caldera
1) Later Treutler says 12 German miles, which is more correct.
2) Error: The lines of Guyana and Callao (Peru) are older, dog this
error is found in many historical and current sources.
3) The beginning of the works for the Caldera station in 1850 is usually
mentioned in the literature - P. Treutler was then able to observe at
least the works of the station.
Map extracted from Espinoza (1895): Sector of Caldera to Copiapó
The original texts were digitized, converted to ASCII and edited by Dr. Wolfgang Griem. Portraits are digitally cleaned.
Literature: Caldera at 1852
Paul Treutler
visited 1852 Caldera: Original text, description of the port of Caldera
The port of Caldera is located 27°5'20" s. Lat. and 70° 56 w. Long.
Founded by a law of December 21,1850.
Treutler published "his" description of the port of Caldera where he
arrived from Valparaiso.
The port of Caldera is situated 27° 5'20" s. B. and
70° 56 w. L. and was created by the law of 21 December 1850.
If I hadn't possessed such reliable news about the great mineral wealth
of this province, which was now to become my sphere of activity and my
homeland, and if I hadn't been inspired by the hot desire and hadn't
been assured of the prospect of acquiring a significant fortune in a
short time, the sight that presented itself to me here would have really
daunted me all the more.
My fantasy, which in Europe had portrayed the most beautiful images of
the areas I would live and travel along the shores of the Pacific Ocean,
had betrayed me.
Wherever my eye turned around the large harbour, I saw nothing but the
most barren sandy areas that stretched for miles to the horizon where
grey, bare rocky mountains piled up. Nowhere else was there a trace of
vegetation and only on the shore did a larger building, several smaller
houses and miserable huts reveal that there were living creatures in
this desert.
The difference in climate was immediately noticeable because all the
inhabitants of this port were significantly browner than those of
Valparaíso. When we landed happily and in the almost foot-deep, burning
sands some 100 steps with the most glowing heat of the sun after a small
tavern waded, we received a second proof of the climatic change by being
literally bathed in sweat. This also could not have a positive effect on
me. Since I had many suitcases, I was one of the last to arrive at this
so-called hotel. I now learned that there was no room, no corner where
one could have protected oneself from the burning rays of the sun and I
was forced to settle in the sand with my suitcases. By the way, this
fate was shared by whole families, who provided shade with suitcases
over which the cloth was stretched.
I then hired a guard for my luggage and went to the dining room, where
they rang every half hour, one could say for feeding. Those who had had
breakfast had to leave their seats immediately in order to make room for
the arrival of the sober guests. When I had won a chair, I first
demanded water to quench my burning thirst. They brought me almost pure
salt water, which was quite undrinkable. The fried fish that was now
served was not fresh, the meat smelled and the coffee that was cooked
with the salt water was not enjoyable, so that I did not enjoy the whole
breakfast, which cost two pesos per man, and soon made room for others
who might have had a better stomach. As soon as this feeding was over,
the table was cleared and the bench was laid on top of it and the game
continued until the departure.
Copiapó, the destination of my trip, was 12 1/2 German miles [92.7 km]
(1) from here in northeastern direction in the interior of the country
and was already connected to this desolate place Caldera by a railway,
which was the first in South America since a few weeks to be handed over
to the company (2). Unfortunately, there was no railway station (3),
where one could have found shelter against the sun, and since the next
train was only to leave in the afternoon, we were condemned to crave and
fry here for seven hours.
Unusually unaccustomed to this truly tropical heat, I returned to the
seashore, where at least a fresh breeze refreshed me, and as I continued
to discover some cliffs, I hurried along looking for shade. I found a
place where a small cave gave me the opportunity to refresh myself in
the waves of the ocean that penetrated into it. Beautiful sand covered
the bottom of the shallow water. [...]
Los textos originales fueron digitalizados, transformados a ASCII redactados y traducidos por Dr. Wolfgang Griem.
Caldera in the Atacama Region
of Atacama
Virtual Atacama
El Salvador
Caldera today
Treutler, Caldera en 1852
Philippi, Caldera 1853
Philippi: Imagen de Caldera
Imagen GILLISS (1855)
Burmeister en Caldera (1859)
Pérez Rosales , Caldera (1859)
Aracena: Caldera 1884
Kunz en Caldera (1890)
Imagen Reclus (1895)
Ferrocarril de Caldera
FFCC Historia de Caldera
Diego de Almagro
Alto del Carmen
Tierra Amarilla
Paul Treutler
Intro Treutler
in Atacama
Paul Treutler
in Copiapó
Paul Treutler in Caldera
viaje en Ferrocarril por P. Treutler
Treutler: Accidente ferroviario 1853
Treutler, miners in Tres Puntas
en Tres Puntas
en Salvadora (Tres Puntas)
accidente en Tres Puntas
carta de Atacama
Terremotos (general)
Terremoto en Tres Puntas, Atacama
Visitantes de Atacama
Listado de Visitantes
R.A. Philippi en Atacama
Paul Treutler en Atacama
Charles Darwin, Atacama (1835)
Ignacio Domeyko y Copiapó
Kunz en Copiapó
Hugo Kunz en Chañarcillo
Gilliss Mineros en Chañarcillo
Información adicional
Cronología histórica de la Región
Minería de Atacama
El Ferrocarril en Atacama
Cartas y Mapas de Atacama
Cartas históricas de Atacama
Listado de personajes de Atacama
• ESPINOZA, ENRIQUE (1895): Jeografía Descriptiva de la República
de Chile - Arreglada.- Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades;
quinta edición; Santiago de Chile.
• TREUTLER, PAUL (1882): Fünfzehn Jahre in Südamerika an de Ufern
des Stillen Ozeans. - 3 Bd., 236 Seiten; Weltpostverlag, Leipzig. (Colección
W. Griem)
• RECLUS, E. (1895): Nouvelle Geographie Universelle - La tierra
et les Hommes.- XVIII Amerique du sud - les regiones Andines; Paris 1895.
(Colección Biblioteca Museo Regional de Atacama)
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